The Mandukya Upanishad 3.11 : Swami Krishnananda

Tuesday, July 07, 2020.8:14. AM. Section - 3. The Universal Vaisvanara-11. Isvara's Bahihprajnata is a liberated state. It is capable of being simultaneously aware of all creation, while we here are aware of a few things by succession. We cannot think even two things at the same time. How, then, to think of all things at the same time? While the consciousness of the Virat is simultaneity of existence – therefore it is Omniscience, Sarvajnatva – the Jiva's consciousness is successive, operating by jumps from one to another, and so it cannot comprehend all things. It is Al pajna, little-knowing. While Virat is everywhere, Sarvantaryarmin, the Jiva is Aikadesika, existing only at one place. We cannot occupy two seats at the same time, while Isvara can occupy all seats at the same time. While the Virat is Sarvasaktiman, All-powerful, Almighty, because of His simultaneous association with everything, the Jiva is Al pasaktiman, impotent, with no power, because he is dissocia...