The Mandukya Upanishad 7.4 Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, January 22, 2021. 10:40. AM. Section 7: The Transcendent Presence-4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prapancopasamam : Here all Samsara, all this tumult of creation, subsides, like waves sinking into the ocean, as dream is withdrawn into waking consciousness. The universe, in all its conditions – gross, subtle and causal – ceases here. In this state, there is neither the Virat, nor Hiranyagarbha, nor Isvara; because, there is no creation. This is the Atman where there is neither waking, nor dreaming, nor sleep. Thus, it is called Prapancopasamam. It is not a condition; it is beyond all conditions. It is not a state of affairs. We do not know what it is. It is a mystery. Wonder of all wonders is this: Wonderful is that disciple who can comprehend it from the wonderful teacher who can teach this wonderful Being. Ascarya...