The Mandukya Upanishad : 8.4.- Swami Krishnananda.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, March 09, 2021. 10:44. AM. Section 8: The Atman as the Pranavam-4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Om, in its fourth or transcendent state, is Atman itself. There is a soundless state of Pranava that is Existence itself. All sounds and vibrations merge into Existence, and Existence is One. We may call it Pranava in its Amatra state or as Atman in its indescribable state of Being. Pure Existence is the merging together of Pranava and the Atman. Amatrascaturthah avyavaharyah: The fourth state of Pranava is that with which we cannot have any dealings, as with objects, words or sounds, such as in connection with usages in language. Prapancopasamah: All the world of sound ceases here in this soundless state of Pranava. Sivo'dvaitah: It is most auspicious, blessed and non-dual like the Atman, because it is The Atman. Omkara atmaiva: This Omk...