The Study of Mandukya Upanishad -1 Swami Krishnananda
============================================================= ============================================================== Monday, January 24, 2022. 21:30. Discourse -1. ============================================================== Yesterday we observed that the human individual is a microcosmic specimen of the entire creative process of the cosmos. The layers or degrees of reality which constitute the composition of the universe of creation are also to be found in the human individual in the form of the kosas or the sheaths, as they are called – physical, vital, mental, intellectual and causal-known in the Sanskrit language as annamaya kosa, pranomaya kosa, manomaya kosa, vijnanamaya kosa and anandamaya kosa. These are the five layers of objectivity which, in a gradational form, externalise consciousness. The grosser the sheath, the greater is the force of externality, so that when consciousness enters the physical body we are totally material in our outlook, physical in our u...