Meditation According to the Upanishads-8. ( upanishad Ends) : Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= Friday, February 17, 2023. 11:30. (Spoken on January 14th, 1973) Post-8. ========================================================================= Thus, taking a bird's-eye view of the techniques of meditation in the Upanishads, we finally get from them not only a philosophical analysis and exposition of the structure of the cosmos and individuals, but also a way the individual can approach the Supreme Being. Hence, the Upanishads are both a philosophy and a method of approach. They are full of philosophical reasoning, psychological analysis, and practical suggestions. These methods of meditation according to the Upanishads are not suited to common minds because they require of the student a high standard of discriminative power and dispassion. The condition, the prerequisite of such a meditation, is also laid down in the Upanishads themselves—though not in the Mandukya, but in certain other Upanishads. We h...