The Mandukya Upanishad 3.7 : Swami Krishnananda


Wednesday, May 13, 2020.
Section - 3. The Universal Vaisvanara-7.

#We cannot know what is inside us, and we cannot also know what is inside the world.

*Now, to see what is inside the world is not to break the earth into pieces, just as, to see what is inside us, it would not be enough if we simply pierce the heart or break the body. The 'inside' is not to be taken in this sense. It is not the inside of a room, a hall or a house.

**This is a peculiar kind of 'inside' which we cannot easily understand, unless we think over it deeply. Even if we break through the body or split an object, we cannot see the 'inside' of the body or the object because the physical internality of the object is not the real 'inside' of it. Even that would be merely the physical part of the object, alone.

***What is the 'inside' of the object?

##The 'inside' is that which is internal to the physical aspect of the object, because even if the physical object is broken to pieces, we see only the physical parts of it. If we cut to pieces a human body, what do we see? We see the parts of the same body.

*We have seen the same physical stuff; we have not seen anything internal to the physical aspect of the body. The internal is not the spatial internality of any physical entity, but that power or force of which the physical body or the physical object is a concretisation or manifestation.

##The subtle body of ours, the astral body, is called, in Sanskrit, Linga-sarira or Linga-Deha. Linga is a mark, an indication or a symptom. The subtle body is called a symptom, an indication or a mark, because it determines the character of the physical body which is its manifestation.

###The physical body is nothing but the form that is cast in the mould of the subtle body. The subtle body is not visible to us, and it is internal to the physical body. Of course, there are certain things which are internal even to the subtle body, whose study we shall be making in the course of the study of this Upanishad.

*The internal structure of the body is not the physical structure. It is constituted of a different stuff altogether, called Tanmatras, Manas, Buddhi, and the like. Tanmatras are subtle vibrations that are inside physical things, and all physical bodies.

**The vibrations materialise themselves into forms, and in this sense the vibrations are called Nama, and the forms Rupa.
To be continued ....



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