The Mandukya Upanishad : presented the quintessence of the acme of thought and experience reached in ancient times, – the Upanishads. 4-1.3.

Section 1: The Pranava or Omkara :-3.

The Supreme Absolute is the Rupa (Form) of Om which is the Nama (Name). As everything in the world is designated by a name, we designate Isvara, God, also, by a name. As we summon into our consciousness a form by calling out its name, remembering its name, so also we summon into our consciousness the Being or the Form of Isvara, God, by summoning His Name. And just as the name of a particular object is connected with that object by a description of the character of that object, Om also, as the Name of Isvara, describes Isvara, and by this unique description of it, it enables us to contemplate the form of Isvara.

A mountain is a name, a river is a name, fire is a name, man is a name, woman is a name, Rama is a name, Krishna is a name; and so on, we have many names – Nama. These names correspond to particular forms which they connote and also denote. When you utter a name, the form corresponding to that name comes to your mind automatically, spontaneously as it were, because of a permanent connection that has been established between the particular name and its corresponding form. How much we are influenced by a name, every one of you knows very well. If you are called by a particular name, you may be pleased or displeased.

There are names, by which you may be called, which may annoy you, put you out of your balance, because of the reason that you have created a permanent association in your mind between a particular Nama and its corresponding Rupa. For example, if you are addressed as 'Maharaj', you are pleased; but if you are addressed as an 'ass', you are displeased. The reason is the association that you have established in your mind and feeling between the name 'Maharaj' and its corresponding significance, or the name 'ass' and its corresponding significance.

Names create vibrations within us. Suppose one of you suddenly cries out, 'snake! snake!' just now, you will all get up suddenly, and listen to nothing that I say. What sort of vibration it creates in your mind – the word snake! You have established a contact in your psychological being between the name 'snake' and its corresponding meaning or significance, and its connection with you. What it means, you know very well. Every name in the world has a form and a meaning attached to it. Every form is not merely a counterpart of the name with which it is connected, but it has a relation with other forms, as well.

To be continued ..


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