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1. We have studied the four quarters ( parts or padas ) of Atma. 2. 1. Waking state, 2. Dream-state, 3. Deep-sleep-state, 4. Turiyam  ( total silence ) 3. We learned about AUM (OM) , OMKARAM, the sound and how this prounced. 4. The connection of quarters of Atma and AUM, THE SUPER IMPOSITION of these two explained. 5. Now during chanting of A......................U.............M..... after the end of one chanting, and to next A.....................................U................M......./ in between two AUM there must certainly be a moment of blissful silence,  6. which is generally not taken into consideration by those who are chanting the sacred mantram thoughtlessly. 7. It is inevitable that there should be a silence, between two successive AUMs, 8. When a meditator is chanting a series of them, it is felt to him, 9. Thus we discussed all the significances of the Moraeless-Atma ( AUM) and the blessings accruing to us on meditating up...

11."DEEP-SLEEP STATE IS 'M' ( as m in mother)"

Mantram-11. 1.  The third letter in AUM, is 'M' ( the sound of M as in Mother), 2. Deep-sleep state is after waking ( symbol 'A' ) and dream state ( symbol 'U' ), 3.Hence symbol 'M' is deep-sleep state,Then slowly  4. The seeker wide opens his mouth and blow air loudly making sound of the symbol 'A', like call louder "Amma" the A is amma's first letter A, 5. Then slowly close the mouth leaving a gap for sound U ( u in put), 6. Hold U for some time by blowing, then gradually close the mouth and the sound becomes M, ending sleep-state, 7. You can experience the three states while attempting OMKARAM.

10. " DREAM-STATE IS 'U' (u, in put)"

1. The second letter in AUM is U ( the sound of u as in word put ). 2.Dream state is in between waking state and deep-sleep state, so letter U is in between A and  M. 3. When we make omkaram  after A ( the sound of a as in amma (mother)), U comes next, 4. When we make sound A we open our mouth wide open, and stretch it some time and gradually bring mouth close slowly, keeping little space to blow U sound, 5. So the dream-state and sound of U are similar in nature. 


Mantram-9. 1.'A'  is the first letter of AUM (OM). 2.It represents waking state. 3.'A'  is the first letter of word "Amma" meaning mother. 4. 'A 'is the fundamental of sounds. 5. We only open our mouth wide open and blow out some air and the initial sound A is produced. 6.The first letter 'A' seems to be in almost all languages of the world. 7. When a child is just born, the very first sound by which it declares itself to the world is by crying : 'A' A of amma. 8. Thus 'A' is the very first of all sounds and the waking-state-ego we know is the very first in the series of experiences.  


Mantrm-8. 1. We discussed "OM" ( A-U-M) in the first mantram. 2.From second to seventh mantrams we studied the four quarters of Atma. 3. Now from 8th to 12th mantrams we discuss the relationship between"OM" and the four quarters of Atma. 4. We will see that the same Atma is again A-U-M from the point  of view of the syllables. 5. The AUM with parts is viewed from the stand point of its sounds or letters. 6. The quarters are the letters and letters are the quarters.  7. The letters here are A, U, and M.


Mantram-7. 1. The Supreme Being ( Eswaran) cannot be explained by any language. 2. The only way by which the Fourth quarter or Turiya, the Atma, can be indicated is by the language of negation(not)(no). 3. This technique is well adopted in this mantram. ( see the following) 4. Turiya : is not the dream, 5. Turia : is not the waking-state-ego, 6. Tueiya : is not both, 7. Turiya : is not deep-sleep-state, 8. Turiya : is not simple consciousness, 9. Turiya : is not insentient, 10. Turiya : is unseen, 11. Turiya : is not  related to anything, 12. Turiya : is not known to anybody, 13. Turiya : is un-inferable, 14.Turiya : is unthinkable, 15. Turiya : is indescribable, 16. Turiya : is peaceful, 17. Turiya : is all-bliss ( sivam), 18. Turiya : is Non-dual, 19. This is what known as Turiya, 20. Meditation is the only way to attain this quarter and the final glory of spiritual life. 


Mantram-6. 1.Deep-sleep condition is blissful ( Anandamayam ). 2. Now the mind is calm and resting. 3.No awareness to any thing. 4.A person when in the waking condition, Lord of all, knower of all, inner controller, the source of all, while in the deep-sleep just a baby just born! 5.This is that which all things originate and in which they finally dissolve themselves.  


Mantram-5. 1. The third quarter ( pada) is the Prajna whose sphere is deep-sleep. 2. That is the state of deep-sleep wherein the sleeper does not desire any objects, nor does he see any dream. 3.Prajna, in whom all ( experiences ) become unified or undifferentiated . 4. Prajna is fully a homogeneous mass of Conscious entire. 5.Prajna  is full of Bliss. 6.Prajna is indeed an enjoyer of Bliss. 7. Prajna is the gateway for the projection of consciousness into the other two planes of consciousness namely the dream and the waking. 8.Thus Rishi describes this kosam ( sheath) as the Blissful, the Anandamayam. The Supreme Self identifying itself with this, the deep-sleep-condition, is called as Prajna. This Prajna seeks its joys  not in the external sense-objects as the waker does. 9.Nor in the inner, subtler objects as the dreamer does, in the sleep condition 10. He enjoys a fullness of joy: joy  because of the absence  of so...


Mantram-4. 1. I n the previous mantram (3), Life is identified with the physical body, seeing through ignorance of its own Real Nature, perceives  a world of sense-objects. 2. And deluded by its own false perceptions, experiences the waking state; and in this act as a definite personality called the Vaisvanara. 3.Now the same Life Force withdrawing its playful courting in the external world identifies itself with the subtle body (sushma sareeram)  and thus creates a distinct personality called the dreamer or the Taijasa. 4. The Taijasa has its own world of experiences in its dream. The mantram under discussion is giving us an exhaustive narration of the nature of the dreamer, his fields of activity and objects of enjoyment. 5. Taijasa whose sphere of activity is the dream state, who is conscious of the internal world of objects, who has seven organs (limbs) and nineteen faces(mouths) and who enjoys the subtle objects of the mental world.


Mantram-3. 1). Vaisvanara :- The waker-ego is called as vaisvanara, and the person is called as vaisvanaran. 2). His sphere of activity is with the five senses. The waker while he is awake, enjoys forms, sounds, tastes, smells and touches and that is all. 3). Seven organs:- (limbs)-  self, 1. his head, 2. sun his eyes, 3. air his vital breath, 4. space his middle part of the body, 5. water his kidney, 6. earth his feet, 7. fire his mouth. 4). Nineteen faces :- 1. Five sense-organs ( jnaneindriyas), 2. Five karmendriyas (  hands, legs, two external excretory-organs, tongue for speech. 3. Five aspects of vital breath ( pranan, apanan, vyanan, samanan, udhanan. ) 4. last four- mind, intellect, egoity, and cittam. 5. Vaisvanaran (a person in the waking state) uses 7 organs and 19 faces/mouths while at waking stage, his sphere of activities are related to these organs and faces. Thus in this mantram the waking state and its activity fields are narrated b...


Mantram-2. Atma. All are Brahmam, this Atma is also Brahmam, and AUM (OM) is Brahmam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ In the previous mantram, we learned about AUM. It is not only the spiritual center in the individual, but also represents at once total Spiritual Reality behind delusory concept of the world of plurality. Atma is Reality, and has four quarters (parts). they are 1.waking part, 2. dream part, 3. deep-sleep part, 4. Turiya plane of Consciousness.   


Mantrm-1.  Hari OM :- The word OM, divided in to A......U-----M, includes everything. A clear explanation of it is the following: The whole past , the present and the future are all in "OM." And all, which are beyond the three periods are also "OM."