
1). Vaisvanara :- The waker-ego is called as vaisvanara, and the person is called as vaisvanaran.

2). His sphere of activity is with the five senses. The waker while he is awake, enjoys forms, sounds, tastes, smells and touches and that is all.

3). Seven organs:- (limbs)-  self, 1. his head, 2. sun his eyes, 3. air his vital breath, 4. space his middle part of the body, 5. water his kidney, 6. earth his feet, 7. fire his mouth.

4). Nineteen faces :- 1. Five sense-organs ( jnaneindriyas), 2. Five karmendriyas (  hands, legs, two external excretory-organs, tongue for speech. 3. Five aspects of vital breath ( pranan, apanan, vyanan, samanan, udhanan. ) 4. last four- mind, intellect, egoity, and cittam.

5. Vaisvanaran (a person in the waking state) uses 7 organs and 19 faces/mouths while at waking stage, his sphere of activities are related to these organs and faces.

Thus in this mantram the waking state and its activity fields are narrated beautifully.


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