
1. The Supreme Being ( Eswaran) cannot be explained by any language.

2. The only way by which the Fourth quarter or Turiya, the Atma, can be indicated is by the language of negation(not)(no).

3. This technique is well adopted in this mantram. ( see the following)

4. Turiya : is not the dream,

5. Turia : is not the waking-state-ego,

6. Tueiya : is not both,

7. Turiya : is not deep-sleep-state,

8. Turiya : is not simple consciousness,

9. Turiya : is not insentient,

10. Turiya : is unseen,

11. Turiya : is not  related to anything,

12. Turiya : is not known to anybody,

13. Turiya : is un-inferable,

14.Turiya : is unthinkable,

15. Turiya : is indescribable,

16. Turiya : is peaceful,

17. Turiya : is all-bliss ( sivam),

18. Turiya : is Non-dual,

19. This is what known as Turiya,

20. Meditation is the only way to attain this quarter and the final glory of spiritual life. 


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